Baked Steel Cut Oatmeal

Homemade Healthy Baked Steel Cut Oatmeal Recipe

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Welcome to a wholesome and nutritious breakfast delight with our “Healthy Baked Steel Cut Oatmeal” recipe. Packed with the goodness of steel-cut oats and wholesome ingredients, this dish not only satisfies your taste buds but also provides a hearty start to your day. Say goodbye to monotony and embrace a flavorful journey that combines health and taste seamlessly.

Baked Steel Cut Oatmeal Ingredients:

To prepare our Healthy Baked Steel Cut Oatmeal, you’ll need the following ingredients:

  • 1 cup steel cut oats
  • 2 ½ cups water
  • 1 cup milk (dairy or plant-based)
  • 2 tablespoons honey or maple syrup
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • Optional toppings: sliced fruits, nuts, seeds, yogurt, or additional honey/maple syrup

How to Make Healthy Baked Steel Cut Oatmeal Recipe?

Follow these simple steps to create a wholesome breakfast treat:

  • Preheat Oven: Preheat your oven to 375°F (190°C) and lightly grease a baking dish or coat it with cooking spray.
  • Combine Ingredients: In a mixing bowl, combine the steel cut oats, water, milk, honey/maple syrup, vanilla extract, cinnamon, and salt. Stir well to ensure all ingredients are evenly incorporated.
  • Transfer to Baking Dish: Pour the oat mixture into the prepared baking dish, spreading it out evenly.
  • Bake: Place the baking dish in the preheated oven and bake for about 40-45 minutes, or until the oats are tender and the liquid is absorbed.
  • Serve: Once baked, remove the oatmeal from the oven and let it cool for a few minutes. Serve warm, portioning it into bowls and adding your favorite toppings such as sliced fruits, nuts, seeds, or a drizzle of honey/maple syrup.
  • Enjoy: Dig into your delicious and nutritious baked steel cut oatmeal, savoring each spoonful of warmth and goodness.

Why You’ll Love Healthy Baked Steel Cut Oatmeal Recipe?

There are several reasons why you’ll love a healthy baked steel-cut oatmeal recipe:

  • Nutrient-Rich: Steel-cut oats are a great source of nutrients like fiber, protein, and various vitamins. Baking them retains these nutrients, providing a wholesome meal.
  • Convenience: Baked oatmeal is easy to prepare in advance, making it a convenient option for busy mornings. You can bake a batch and store it for several days, ensuring a quick and nutritious breakfast.
  • Texture and Flavor: Baking steel-cut oats creates a satisfying, chewy texture that many people enjoy. The process enhances the natural nutty flavor of oats, giving your breakfast a delicious taste.
  • Customizable: This recipe is versatile and allows you to customize it according to your preferences. You can add fruits, nuts, or sweeteners to tailor the flavor to your liking.
  • Sustained Energy: Oats provide complex carbohydrates that release energy slowly, keeping you full and energized throughout the morning. This can help in maintaining a steady blood sugar level.
  • Health Benefits: Oats contain beta-glucans, which have been linked to various health benefits, including heart health and improved digestion. Baking them into oatmeal preserves these benefits.
  • No-Fuss Preparation: Baking eliminates the need for constant stirring on the stovetop. It’s a hands-off method that allows you to multitask while still preparing a wholesome breakfast.
  • Family-Friendly: Baked oatmeal is often a hit with both kids and adults. It’s a family-friendly option that can be enjoyed by everyone at the breakfast table.

Steel Cut Oatmeal vs. Rolled Oats:

Let’s start with the basics! Steel-cut oats stand out as the least processed oat variety. The oat groat, the entire grain, is simply divided into two or three parts to create steel-cut oats. Due to their minimal processing, these oats absorb more liquid and require a longer cooking or soaking time compared to rolled oats.

Rolled oats, on the other hand, are oat groats that undergo steaming and rolling. This processing allows rolled oats to quickly absorb liquid, making them suitable for no-cook options like traditional overnight oats.

Nutritionally, there are only slight differences between steel-cut and old-fashioned/rolled oats. Both varieties offer similar amounts of fiber, protein, calories, and other nutrients. Personally, I don’t consider one type of oatmeal superior to the other. I often opt for either steel-cut or rolled oats in my breakfast recipes.

How To Store and Reheat a Healthy Baked Steel Cut Oatmeal?

Storing Baked Steel-Cut Oatmeal:

  • Cooling: Allow the baked steel-cut oatmeal to cool completely before storing. This helps prevent condensation inside the storage container, which can make the oatmeal soggy.
  • Portioning: Divide the baked oatmeal into individual servings or the desired portions. This makes it easier to reheat only what you need.
  • Airtight Container: Place the portions in airtight containers or sealable bags to prevent moisture and air from affecting the texture and taste.
  • Refrigeration: Store the containers in the refrigerator for up to 3-4 days. If you plan to keep it longer, consider freezing (for up to 3 months) for better freshness.

Freezing Baked Steel-Cut Oatmeal:

  • Wrap Well: If freezing, wrap individual portions in plastic wrap or use freezer-safe containers to prevent freezer burn.
  • Labeling: Clearly label the containers with the date to track freshness.

Reheating Baked Steel-Cut Oatmeal:

  1. From Refrigerator:

    • Microwave: Place the desired portion in a microwave-safe dish, add a splash of milk or water to maintain moisture, and heat at medium power in short intervals, stirring in between until thoroughly heated.
    • Oven: Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C). Cover the oatmeal with foil to prevent drying out and heat for about 15-20 minutes or until warmed through.
  2. From Freezer:

    • Thawing: If time allows, thaw the oatmeal in the refrigerator overnight.
    • Microwave: Follow the microwave instructions mentioned above, with slightly longer heating times to account for the frozen state.
    • Oven: Cover the frozen oatmeal with foil and bake in a preheated oven at 350°F (175°C) for 30-40 minutes, or until heated through.
    • Stir and Adjust: Regardless of the reheating method, stir the oatmeal after heating to ensure even warmth. Add additional liquid (milk or water) if needed to reach the desired consistency.


This healthy baked steel-cut oatmeal recipe offers a delightful balance of nourishment and flavor, making it an ideal choice for a wholesome breakfast or snack. The combination of nutrient-packed steel-cut oats, fresh fruits, and a touch of natural sweetness creates a hearty and satisfying dish. The baking process not only enhances the texture but also allows the flavors to meld, resulting in a comforting and nutritious treat. For those looking to explore more oatmeal variations, consider trying the homemade strawberries and cream oatmeal recipe. With the sweet and tart burst of fresh strawberries complementing the creamy oats, it adds a delightful twist to your morning routine, providing a delicious alternative to elevate your breakfast experience.


Can I swap the chia seeds with something else?

If you prefer a non-vegan option for this recipe, you have the option to replace the chia seeds with one regular egg. Alternatively, you can choose to use ground flaxseed or omit the binder altogether. I’ve discovered that the baked oatmeal still turns out well even without using a binder.

What can I use instead of coconut oil?

You have the option to omit coconut oil or substitute it with melted butter (or ghee), applesauce, or additional mashed banana.

What if I don’t like bananas?

You have the flexibility to exchange the mashed banana with applesauce, pumpkin puree, or mashed sweet potato. Begin with 1/3 cup as a substitute for one mashed banana. Feel free to skip the banana slices on top or replace them with an alternative topping such as berries, additional nuts/seeds, chocolate chips, and more. The possibilities for flavor variations are limitless!

My baked oatmeal turned out soggy. What happened?

This recipe may have a slightly soft texture but should not be excessively soggy. Ensure that the mashed bananas are not overly ripe, as this could introduce extra moisture. If your result is gooey or soggy, consider extending the cooking time.

Can I add protein powder to baked oatmeal?

I included a scoop of protein powder without increasing the liquid, and it turned out well! If you decide to add more than one scoop of protein powder, consider adding additional liquid.

Related Recipes:

Tropical Oatmeal

Peaches and Cream Oatmeal

Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal

Maple Brown Sugar Oatmeal

Strawberries and Cream Oatmeal



  • Brittney

    Hi there! I’m Brittney, the creator of Eating Bird Foods the kitchen enthusiast behind the recipes you’ll find here. Join me in exploring the joy of simple and delicious home cooking. From quick fixes to cozy comfort meals, let’s make every bite a delight!

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